Services & Expertise
We work in partnership with developers, architects, and construction companies ensuring the highest quality end result with real build-ability. While PTL and timber structures are synonymous, our range of expertise and services extend well beyond this area.
PTL Structural Services

Analysis & Design
Full structural analysis and design, and building consent documentation.

Seismic Engineering
Specialist seismic engineering advice for analysis, design, and construction.

Conceptual Design
Preliminary structural design advice, and conceptual design alternatives.

Structural Analysis
Advanced structural analysis, including three-dimensional non-linear numerical analysis (Push-over, ADRS-capacity spectrum, non-linear time history analysis).

Peer Reviews
Peer reviews of structural designs by others.

Seismic Monitoring
Earthquake monitoring services and dynamic data interpretation for buildings and bridges.
Beside our core services, PTL also provides specialist knowledge in the following construction fields:
- Office buildings
- Houses and apartments
- Educational structures
- Tall timber buildings
- Auditoriums, industrial and large retail construction
- Timber bridges
- Innovative low-damage technologies
- Research and Development of innovative structural systems and materials
- Remediation, repair and strengthening of mass timber structures
- Moisture management of mass timber structures